Morpheus8 is a new subdermal adipose remodeling device (SARD) that fractionally remodels and contours the face and body.

Penetrating deep into the skin and fat, this morphs the aging face of body into a more desired smooth and sleek appearance, for all skin tones. Morpheus8 has the ability to penetrate deeper into the skin than any other microneedling device, going as deep as 4mm.

Patient comfort is a major advantage of this device because of the sharper needles and tiny punctures it causes in the skin without tugging or pulling. M8 can be used for, but is not limited to treating wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, surgical scars and more.

  • MORPHEUS8 is a fractional skin treatment that stimulates collagen production of the underlying layersof the dermis. By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, the building blocks will reorganize themselves in a natural anti-aging process.

  • Morpheus8 can be used on any areas that can benefit from sub-dermal renewal. The most commonly treated areas include the lower face and neck. Areas of the face and body that exhibit wrinkles, discoloration or acne scarring are suitable for treatment.

  • Depending on your Morpheus8 treatment regime you can expect to have between 1-3 sessions.

  • Visible results can be seen within a few days, but typically after three weeks the most noticeable results appear. Improvements continue up to three months after treatment.

  • Fractionated RF energy is a scientifically proven method to reduce wrinkles and rebuild collagen and fat. It is minimally invasive, using a matrix of micro pins to renew deeper layers of the skin with almost no patient downtime.

  • The benefit of Morpheus8’s color blind technology is that it can be used on all skin types. The unique properties allow even darker tones to be treated.