Transparency is key. We will be honest with you as our trusted client. Aesthetics is not an exact science and how you may respond to a given treatment will vary from person to person and sometimes even from treatment to treatment. It is virtually impossible to predict results and therefore payments made for services are for treatments to be performed – not for a specific result. However, we always strive to achieve the absolute best result that we can for you.

  • At Renew Aesthetics FWB, we offer goods and services that are irrevocable. Therefore, we do not issue refunds for any product , service or treatment that has been injected or used in your treatment. In consenting to be treated, it is important that patients understand and accept this condition. Aesthetic results are quite variable from person to person and while we do our best to achieve the desired outcome it cannot always be guaranteed. Clients are responsible for further treatments needed to achieve further results.

    All treatments and procedures are carried out to the highest possible standard, however sometimes outcomes do not meet patients expectations and if you are not entirely happy with your treatment or procedure with us (it's rare, but it does happen!), we emphatically welcome your feedback and comments. However, as with any minor surgical procedure, there is no guarantee to the outcome, and it is at the patient's own risk that these procedures are undertaken. Renew Aesthetics & Anti-Aging Clinic do not offer refunds on this basis.

    All treatments, procedures, and or pre-paid packages are non-refundable. Packages are non-transferable and must be used within one year from the date of purchase.

    Products purchased are non refundable.

    Defective retail products may be exchanged within 14 days for the same product only.

    Gift Card purchases or balances are non refundable

    Membership payments or balances are non refundable.

  • All prices on this website are subject to change without notice. While we make every effort to provide you the most accurate, up-to-date information, occasionally, one or more items on our website may be mis-priced. In the event a product or service is listed at an incorrect price due to typographical, photographic, or technical error or error in pricing information received from our suppliers, Renew Aesthetics FWB shall have the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for product listed at the incorrect price.

    For injectables, the pricing is based on units, or how many syringes filled with the substance (Botox, Dysport, Kybella, etc.) are used during a treatment. Each injectable has a unique price-per-unit, and the number of units needed will vary based on a patient’s skin and what they hope to accomplish. With body sculpting procedures designed to eliminate fat in specific areas, multiple treatments may be needed to achieve the final result. So, the quoted price may cover a certain number of sessions. We’ll discuss all of these details at your consultation so you’ll know exactly what you’ll be expected to pay for your care.

  • We do not accept email, text messages or social media messages for cancellations as there is no way to guarantee delivery time of the message.

    Clients who are not present for their appointment will be considered a No-Show and charged $125. If your appointment falls into a no-show status you will be charged ½ the charge of your scheduled treatment.

    Thank you so very much for your understanding, courtesy, and loyalty!

  • Renew Aesthetics FWB requires a valid credit card at the time of reservation to secure an appointment.


    To keep you informed and prepared, we will send you a confirmation text message 24-48 hours before your scheduled service. However, if for any reason the appointment reminder system fails to reach you or you do not receive a reminder, please remember that it is still your responsibility to manage your appointment and adhere to our cancellation policy.

    As a courtesy to our team and other clients, we kindly request a 24-hour advance notice for any cancellations. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, but please keep in mind that your appointment time is reserved especially for you. When you don't show up, it leaves our provider with an empty chair. In the event of a No-Show or cancellation without sufficient notice, a $125 cancellation fee will be applied.

  • During botulinum toxin appointments, our Medical Providers assess the facial muscles and decide what number of units are sufficient for adequate treatment. This can vary from patient to patient and from treatment to treatment. To provide the best level of patient care, we recommend you follow up with an appointment or call 10-14 days after your botulinum toxin appointment if further treatment is needed. If additional units are needed, we will require additional payment.


This information and advice published or made available through this website is not intended to replace the services of a physician or a health care professional acting under a physician’s supervision, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship.

Each individual’s treatment and/or results may vary based upon the circumstances, the patients’ specific situation, as well as the health care provider’s medical judgment and only after further discussion of the patient’s specific situation, goals, risks and benefits and other relevant medical discussion.

Testimonials or statements made by any person(s) within this site are not intended to substitute for this discussion or evaluation or as a guarantee as to outcomes. Examples of treatment outcomes in this websites are not intended to convey and warranty, either express or implied, as to outcomes, promises, or benefits from treatment.

Whether to accept any treatment by a patient should be assessed by the patient as to the risks and benefits of such procedures and only after consultation with a health care professional.

Medical information or statements made within this site are not intended for use in or as a substitute for the diagnosis or treatment of any health or physical condition or as a substitute for a physician-patient relationship which has been established by an in-person evaluation of a patient. This website does not provide specific medical advice and does not endorse any medical or professional service or services obtained through information provided on this site or any links to or from this site.

Some links within this website may lead to other websites, including those maintained and operated by third parties. These links are included solely as a convenience to you, and the presence of such a link does not imply an endorsement or approval of the content of the linked site.

Use of this site constitutes acknowledgement and acceptance of these limitations and disclaimers. Further dissemination of this information in this site is prohibited without express written approval from Renew Aesthetics Fort Walton Beach.